Poem - God's Grief

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

[Note: The poem I'm sharing for this week is based on the Bible so in order for my dear non-Christian readers to understand, I am going to explain the context below.]

Christians are blessed with the hope of the final eradication of sin at the end of this world. This hope and joy is also extended to non-Christians who it is shared with. It is a joyous event where the good and faithful of all ages will finally see the long expected death of sin at the second coming of Jesus and live in the world and age of purity, a place and time in which there is a guarantee of its rising ever again. 

Before all this should happen, all of humanity is invited by God to have a close relationship with Him and strive to reach His perfect standards of conduct. He promises to help us reach it as we, being imperfect and sinful, can't do it on our own. When this has been attained, the person is fit for the new world that will be created.

People, as of now are being judged according to their deeds, the intents of their heart. And there will be many who will be either judged good and fit for the new world and many others will be judged the opposite. The ones judged as unfit will eventually be destroyed as a result of their own deeds and of ignoring the many chances of turning away from their bad ways and not accepting the invitation of God to be clean.

The fate of such people who choose to ignore God's loving pleading and warning will eventually be destruction. As it says in the Bible, in Paul's letter to the Romans, that ' the wages of sin is death'. The rest of this line goes 'but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord'. This latter part has been ignored by many, and applying the principle of the first part of the line, they receive death; not the natural death as we know it but, eternal death from which there is no saving from once they have chosen it.

The God I serve is a loving, merciful, and patient God. He does not want anyone to die eternally but for all of his creation to choose eternal life. But he has given all of humanity the freedom to choose and whatever we choose, he will respect and he won't force.

Most people blame God for all the calamity and sadness in this world but it is not the case. God is not the cause of all the misery but the devil is. God does not feel happy in any one's sadness and he most definitely cannot see His creation experience death, especially eternal death because of his boundless love and care for us.

The final destruction, even though inevitable for those who are bent to sin, I am sure would be done with great pain, grief and hesitation by God. Although he would destroy for the sake of the saved and for the sake of justice, as one preacher had put it once, ' He would feel an emptiness in His heart forever'.

The following poem I wrote below illustrates the love and care God has for all of humanity, even for the wicked and also the immense grief He would feel at the loss. 


This poem was a product of a sermon I heard which, in part, talked about the grief God would have to carry for eternity. 

What are your thoughts on this? Please do let me know in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!


  1. We always worry about our tears, our feelings. But who will wipe away God's tears? Thank u Arnica for this revelation that it is only 'I' who can do so.

  2. Beautifully compiled Arnica! Yes, God goes through lot of pain, when we go through pain. God weeps with us, when we weep. What a loving and caring Father. We don't value the pain and blood drops and agony He went through. He did it all , so that we can be saved.


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